Thursday, December 2, 2010


I wrote this on 1 November, 2009, and found it recently while looking for something else on my computer. I wish I could remember more accurately the context in which it was written--what I was thinking, what I was feeling, what was running through my mind--but I cannot. What I do know is that the second part of the writing comes directly from two different but distinctly related visions the Lord gave me in summer 2009--pertaining to the spreading of the glory & the kingdom of God 'round the Earth before He returns. So with that preface, I give you...this.

i wish i could rescue every child from the ravages of poverty and the bondage of slavery; to spare them the abuse of those who have their own interests at heart; to love them as no one else does; to feed and clothe and give a home to those in need of it. i wish every child could be loved as i was loved as a child; i wish every child could hold such fond memories of childhood; i wish every child's spirit was allowed the freedom to soar and dream and find the beat to which they'll march the rest of their days. i wish every child knew he has the ear of God. i wish every child knew her prayers are heard. i wish every child knew his worth, her purpose, he's loved, she's lovely; he's a warrior; she's a bride. i wish adults could be more like children, more readily able to enter the world of the imagination and find wonder in every smallest thing. i wish children were not marginalized, pushed aside, trampled underfoot. i wish every child were protected from the evils of this world. i wish the world were kinder to it's smallest inhabitants. i wish we understood what it means to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. but there is coming a day, and soon, when all shall be made right; when the warrior-king shall ascend His throne and when the powers of darkness shall be rendered powerless. it will not be tomorrow, no, for the world must become ever darker, ever harsher, ever more full of evil. evil must be manifest in every area, in every arena, in every place and the purposes of the enemy must come to pass, must be fulfilled. and as the darkness encroaches, and as the persecution increases, and as the hardships grow harder and as people turn to one or the other, to follow the Lamb or to follow the Lucifer; as evil pervades and blackness grows and wickedness stains the souls of men...there shall be light. first small, isolated, surrounded by unnatural night, it shall grow--and then, another, and another, and then yet more. the lights shall spread, shared to and fro they shall encircle the earth, more and more and brighter and brighter and the whole earth shall grow to be consumed by this light, by these fires of revival and the spirit of the Holy One shall be present in every place where there is a light and miracles shall happen and the Glory of the Holy One shall be brought to the earth and the heavens shall be rended and the warriors shall cry out and victory shall be theirs and the brides with their lamps shall be waiting in the readiness for which Christ foretold and then--the King returns.


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